Monday, January 16, 2023

Parintins, Brazil

Last night was the usual fare of trivia (very hard questions this time), a musical show and a room service dinner (just because we wanted to try it).

Doug went up to the upper decks to bug hunt again early this morning. Some new varieties on board today including some crickets which were singing. The camouflage pattern on some of the large moths is truly amazing (see pic – insect was about 5 inches long - the photo almost seems like it’s out of focus, but it  is not – what a great adaptation – keep your predators vision out of focus)! Apparently a bat was attracted to the bugs too and needed some help from a passenger to get air born for the return flight (wonder if he made it).

We dropped anchor in the Amazon at Parintins this morning at about 8 am and went to shore by tender. The poor tender driver was getting parking directions from several people on the dock, each telling him do go in a different direction.

Parintins is basically an island surrounded by three others. We watched daily activities in the life of the people living on the river island. Because there are no roads out of town, all along the harbour there were many boats of all sizes, each with a pretty precarious “ramp” to board. We watched men packing huge sacks of grain onto the boats and even two guys trying to load a big mattress. And of course the usual suitcase carriers heading to who knows where, hammocks swinging inside the boat as no place is provided to sit or lay down for longer voyages.

On our walk from the pier to the venue we passed the market where they were selling fresh veggies and fruit and a big selection of fish. Also lots of vendors with their touristy stuff. We had to do some shopping!

The municipality of Parintins (population 115,000) is famous within Brazil due to the folk festival which takes place in June each year depicting Boi-Bumbá a story about a bull that was resurrected. The dancers, in mardi-gras style, put on a rendition of this festival for us cruisers and it formed the basis of this morning’s excursion. It was colourful and exciting with many costume changes and hard driving, drum-laden music.

Tonight it is on to Manaus, the so-called “Paris of the South”.

Camo moth

Busy harbour


Boi Bumba


Exciting production


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