Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Dublin, Ireland (Second day)

After a great sleep we had an Irish breakfast in the hotel. With the morning free we decided to walk (under blue skies and sunshine) for about an hour to the National Botanic Garden.  This proved to be a great way to spend the morning as the many walkways in the botanic garden were lined with plants from all over the world, including some species that are now extinct. In addition they had a number of greenhouses to tour some of which dated from the mid-1800s: ornate ironwork and glass. There were many art students in the garden this morning doing sketches, watercolours, etc. We had lunch in the tea garden before heading back.
1850s greenhouse

Art student
At 3 pm we boarded our motor coach and had our first meeting of our fellow travelers including someone Norma had worked with 20 years ago. Small world. The bus took us for a tour of downtown Dublin. Most of the architecture is Georgian (early 1700s into 1800s) with brick buildings dominating. Some of the buildings had unique doors, which was suggested that perhaps this was to allow the inebriated residents to find their way into the correct home in the evening? Other newer buildings had roundels inserted in the walls, for example one depicting Gulliver’s Travels (written by Jonathan Swift, a Dublin author). We also passed by some impressive churches, some dating back to the 1100s with exterior support walls called flying buttresses.
Attached houses

Unique door
Gulliver's Travels depicted

Flying buttresses
 After the city tour we were taken to the Guinness Brewery for a tour of the brewing process in a 5 story building constructed especially for the purpose. They no longer take tourists through the actual brewery due to an excessive demand problem. If the overcrowding in the Gravity Pub on the top floor is an example we can understand. We were all given a voucher for a free beer but since our dinner also included a beer tasting demo we opted out of the crowded and very noisy pub and tried it at dinner. There are special ways to serve Guinness so it tastes best. Cold, and allowed to settle for nearly two minutes to eliminate the bitter foam taste. It was actually quite good! This coming from non-beer drinkers that we are. The evening ending with a look around in their souvenir shop and a coach ride back to the hotel. 

Gravity Bar
Tomorrow we change countries! In Belfast, Northern Ireland we will be. . .

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