Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Belfast, Northern Ireland

We left Dublin at 8:30 going north on the M1 motorway. Not too much different than any freeway anywhere, I suppose. The scenery rapidly became pastoral and the roads more narrow as we left the motorway.
Irish countryside
Our first stop was in the town of Downpatrick where we climbed a set of stairs to visit the cathedral and grave of St. Patrick: the patron saint of Ireland. Remember he was the guy that supposedly drove the snakes out of Ireland? If our tour guide is any example Irishmen are very afraid of snakes. Thinking of our harmless little garter snakes in our garden at home makes their fears rather humorous. We ended up having lunch there as the bus had a temporary (we hope) malfunction and needed some tending to. It is a 2019 Mercedes so has lots of bells and whistles that apparently can falter.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
We arrived in Belfast about 2 and picked up a local tour guide who gave us a very informative tour of the city of Belfast. After seeing Queen’s College and some other great architecture, we thought he may play down the past history of violence in the city, but not so as we drove right through the heart of the offending neighbourhoods with their "peace walls", a series of mural/graffiti covered separation barriers that are open during daylight but are closed at night. There was an uneasy feeling that this could erupt again at any time. It was easy to tell that our guide who lived through “the Troubles” was moved by the memories. He thinks it ironic it is now a tourist attraction. Indeed, numerous people of different cultures were there taking pictures.
Queen's College
Belfast taxi stand
Peace wall murals
Peace wall graffiti
Our tour day ended with a visit to the “Titanic Experience” a whole building devoted to the story of the Titanic, from its construction in Belfast to the sinking off the coast of Nova Scotia. Very well done. It even including a multimedia gondola ride through the shipyards during the construction. Yes, Teagan, Grams got Grandpa on a ride though not as rough as the teacups! 
The Titanic Experience building
We got back to the hotel around 6:30 and went out for dinner – delicious fish and chips with mushy peas. Tomorrow the Giant’s Causeway!

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