Monday, September 16, 2019

Dublin, Ireland

Here we are in Dublin, Ireland. It is foggy and drizzling. But that’s OK because it is supposed to be that way, isn’t it? After all, the Emerald Isle has to stay well watered to remain green. The weather is supposed to improve tomorrow. 

We arrived after two successive Westjet flights: Calgary to Halifax (4 ¼ hours) and Halifax to Dublin (5 hours). We were not impressed with the airline which has a $30 baggage charge and no food included – even during the transcontinental flight. On this flight one of the washrooms was malfunctioning as well and even if it did function Doug couldn’t stand up in it as it was so small and with a low, sloped ceiling. The seatback entertainment screen has been replaced with an on board computer app. which is OK I guess if you can get it to work (only one of our devices seemed compatible). Oh well, we are here and in one piece. Customs was just a cursory presentation of passports to be stamped and off you went. 

Halifax has a very nice airport whereas Dublin’s is a bit weathered. Neither hold a candle to Calgary’s (probably one of the world’s best).  

After collecting our luggage we had to wait in a ½ hour queue for a taxi but that was OK as we had some time to kill before being able to check into the hotel. There was a bit of a traffic jam in one spot as well. The taxi driver said it is like that most mornings. As we waited in the snarl it gave him a chance to tell us where to go in Dublin for the best pubs/restaurants and attractions. Between the weather and the traffic we are glad we are not motorcycling here. Besides, we saw a pamphlet at the airport re: motorcycle rentals with an age restriction of 25 to 70 – nothing available for us seasoned riders. 

Dinner tonight was at the Irish pub “McGettigan’s”.  Norma had a delicious bowl of Dublin Bay seafood chowder and brown bread. Doug opted for Udon noodles. We even could have had dinner in the library if we wanted. See pics.

The rest of the evening will be spent battling to stay awake thus doing the time zone conversion effectively. Tomorrow we will see some sites on our own, meet the tour group at 3, go for a ride downtown and have dinner at the Guinness Factory.
McGettigan's Pub

McGettigan's Library

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