Saturday, May 13, 2017

Zabljak, Montenegro – Rest Day

Hotel Soa - Zabljak, Montenegro
Not a very good start to the day. Doug has been up all night with vomiting and diarrhea and we have been wracking our brains trying to think of the cause. Primoz told us this morning that it is very common after a visit to Mostar due to the water. We are almost certain it is food poisoning from lunch yesterday.

Norma joined a few of our fellow travelers for breakfast. Doug was able to get up and dressed late morning and actually attempted a short walk to town but had to turn back half way. Several of the guys had planned on a ride into the Dumitor National Park up to the snow line today but it started out with very heavy rains. The sun came out around noon so off they went though the number participating has dwindled.

Here in Zabljak you can see numerous ski lifts up the hill side. There are many newer hotel starts as well as some no longer inhabited. We are told the ski lifts only operate “sort of” in other words intermittently so guess this ski resort isn’t the best.

This turned out to be a good day for some hand laundry. Now to get it all dry.

This afternoon Doug was feeling marginally better so we decided to attempt a walk to Crno Jerezo (Black Lake). Luckily there were handmade benches along the path so we were able to stop frequently and rest. It was a bit cool on the walk but then there is snow still on the mountains and bits of snow in the shadows. At the lake there is a great playground with mushroom steps and a sled on tracks for the kids to try.

On the walk back we stopped to look at the wares a lady was selling at the side of the road. Along with drinks and homemade preserves and honey she had mushrooms. Porcini and chanterelles.

We have been pretty distressed to see all the garbage people just leave on the side of the road in Montenegro. It isn’t just an occasional pop/beer can but bags and bags of stuff. This mars the beautiful countryside.

Roadside Mushroom Seller
We are hoping that Doug will be able to make a significant recovery overnight otherwise we may have to put the bike in the chase van and passenger it to Budva. Stay tuned!

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