Sunday, May 14, 2017

Budva, Montenegro - 210 km

Zabljak view
 We had a very quiet night in Zabljak, marred only by a local cuckoo who decided to serenade us. And you can’t just stop the pendulum to shut him up! Attached is a view out the room window in the morning.

Eurasian Jay
Another not very good day, health-wise as Norma has contracted a stomach bug as well. We decided to use the chase van today with Norma as a van passenger and Doug riding solo behind. Initially it was to allow Doug more flexibility to pass, stop and run out into the woods should the need arise. Luckily it did not as the bug appears to be on the wane in his system. Norma, however, did not make the trip without incident thus it was good she was in the van – luckily she was smart enough to bring a bag. Primoz, the van driver, suggested she just lean out the window, but she said she did not want to get it all over Doug. That mental picture elicited gales of laughter from him. Poor guy, not only did he have to deal with that but he got nailed for a bullshit speeding ticket in a small town along the way. Too bad they could not have synchronized the two incidents better. 
Budva View
The tour guides have reiterated that their clients suffer GI infections in this area. They have altered their restaurants, schedules, etc. and finally try to attribute it to the water in Mostar. Not sure about that.
The upshot is that we arrived at the hotel at around 1:15 after some very winding roads (that is all they have here). As we climbed the mountain it began to be enveloped in coastal fog which quickly dissipated as we dropped down toward the coast. We are in a tourist area with huge hotels. A major contrast to yesterday's mountain retreat. See photos.  Apparently Russians do not need a visa to enter Montenegro so it sees a lot of Russian tourist activity. Beaches, casinos, this area of Montenegro has it all for them.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see your humour still in less than ideal circumstances
