Saturday, May 6, 2017

Ljubljana, Slovenia - arrival


After one 9 hour flight from Calgary to Frankfurt, a five hour plus layover and another 1 hour flight we find ourselves in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. All flights went off without a hitch. We decided we must have cleared Slovenian customs at the Frankfurt, Germany airport because basically we just walked off the plane into a waiting taxi the tour company had arranged for us. They even called us on the taxi’s cell phone to welcome us to the country – nice touch. 

After checking in at the Hotel Lev we decided to try and walk off some of the jet lag and proceeded downtown to Preseren Square (see statue) and the Three Bridges. We found a very nice Italian-Slovenian restaurant for dinner. Doug was merrily stating what he was seeing on the menu and Norma was marvelling at how much of the language he had learned with all his early morning practicing only to discover he had the English/Slovenian menu and she had the German/Italian one. We had to top the evening off with an ice cream cone from a sidewalk vendor.

We made a pact with ourselves to do more people photography on this trip so included along with a shot from one on the Three Bridges is a busker, and a Muslim woman in full regalia devoutly reading from the Kuran (gotcha there - she is on her cell phoneJ).

Being Saturday night the square was busy with lots of people out enjoying the evening, including at least four groups of girls bachelorette partying. One was busy trying to buy kisses with cupcakes from good looking guys as they walked by and another stopped three young guys to ask in broken English if one of them would let her cut the label out of their boxer shorts! She must have had a list to complete.

Also there was an evening street market with live band, river cruises, etc. We plan to head that way again tomorrow morning on our way to the castle but are pretty sure it will be pretty quiet compared to tonight. Right now bed is starting to look very good as we have been up for a long while.

Tomorrow afternoon we will meet with the tour guide and other members of the group, pick up the bike and then go out for an introductory dinner with everyone.


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