Sunday, May 17, 2009

Total KM = 477

As the weatherman had predicted (correctly for a change) we woke to heavy rains and wind so decided to have a leisurely morning.

Got on the road around 1100 as the rain stopped. Was still pretty grey and cool so the warm and rain gear was on for most of the day.

As soon as we left Natchez we immediately crossed the Mississippi River which had a sign right in the middle of the bridge letting us know we had now gone into Louisiana. The mighty Mississippi River is very full and fast flowing with lots of debris due to all the rain. When it rains in this country it really rains!!! We actually were out of Louisiana about two hours later. No pictures worth passing on from today's ride so the ones you see were taken previously.

Our conversation during the ride was how quickly this trip has gone by. We have enjoyed it though it was not what we had originally planned. In retrospect we perhaps should have went ahead with our original plans and "damn the torpedos". Not very long (less than a week?) after the governments CDN/US and the CDC issued the travel restriction recommendation for Mexico the World Health Organization made a statement to the effect of "what is all this fuss? - no need to restrict travel". . . But we had no way of knowing and the change in plans were irrevocable by then.

Hard to believe we have been on the road for nearly four weeks and our trip together will be ending in two days when Doug flies to Parksville and Norma flies to Bermuda. Doug will fly back to do the return trip from Houston alone - the first long solo trip for him in many years.

Thus, dear readers, thank you for taking part in our motorcycle tour. You have made us diligent in our evening reporting duties with your words of encouragement.

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