Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Total KM = 447

Another nice riding day, not too hot and NO rain. Again we managed to stay off the interstate and kept to the back roads. A good way to really get a feel of southern hospitality and see how people live. We took many business routes and few town bypasses. Great contrasts from one small town to another with the obvious levels of wealth and poverty.

Saw several large vultures breakfasting on road kill. They weren't even too scared until we got right beside them.

More of the beautiful old south mansions - large fenced yards, most houses with the front porches and white rocking chairs - magnolia trees in bloom, very pretty. Also many, many churches of all denominations, obviously an important part of southerner's lives.

Made our first stop at the Strom Thurman dam. Nice walk way right under the base of the dam with holders along the way for the good old fishing rod and a comfy bench right handy to sit and watch your line.

Eventually made our way to St Simons Island, Georgia to spend a few nights with Doug's friend Stevi and her sister Lou, their four dogs and two cats. Pretty busy household.

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