Thursday, May 14, 2009

Total KM = 474

We have been seeing a variety of humourous and different signs , some of which we have included here. For the motorheads in the audience - how about that gasoline available at the local corner service station in Georgia?

We have ridden through peanut and pecan growing country today of Southern Georgia so have had to purchase a sample of each. The blanched peanuts (the roadside peanut vendors said to roast them in a slow oven for 45 minutes) and fresh shelled pecans are wonderful. You can't get them as good as this at home. We also gave the boiled peanuts another try as we just couldn't believe they could be as popular as they are, yet as awful as we remembered them from our Florida trip two years ago. We even tried them from the roadside vendor where he was boiling them on site. They are just soggy, soft, warm peanuts. . .yuccch.

There are continued signs of flooding along the side of the road. Also a wonderful display of white water lilies that we saw in the ditches for miles as well as in any pond near the road. The magnolias are in bloom along the roads. In Georgia they have scattered wildflower seeds along the roadsides. Where they have had success they form a colourful roadside border. We also saw a variety of water birds as well as egrets and ibises.

Once again we have tried to stay off the interstate freeways and continue to find quiet backcountry highways with little traffic. To our surprise we have gained an hour back today. Tonight we find ourselves in Enterprise, Alabama. For the first time on this trip we wimpy westerners felt the heat and the humidity (87F/60%) this afternoon.

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