Saturday, May 2, 2009

Total KM = 191

Last evening we enjoyed a wonderful seafood buffet at the casino- crab legs, giant prawns prepared in all sorts of ways, prime rib, etc. We were both very impressed with everything - even went back for more of the wonderful vegetables. Now when have you ever done that at a buffet? We then proceeded to lose a bit of cash in the Casino. Norma started to recoup but then it was getting late so we quit for the night.

We started the morning in the casino and both managed to win enough to almost cover last night's losses, being the experienced, professional gamblers that we are. Had a great brunch before leaving - Doug had the special - a six egg scramble - yes, you read that right - six eggs with all the fixings for $2.97! Needless to say we are still not hungry for dinner even though it is now 5:30. Will be a light snack of salad, cheese and fresh bread.

Someone made the mistake of commenting on the lack of rain riding this trip so you know what we woke to! Initially it was only dark clouds, a bit of wind and light drizzle but before we got too far we had to stop to don the rain gear. At least it was a relatively short ride, wasn't too cold and indeed was our first rain since leaving home (we won't count the California snow).

We are now in Santa Fe, capital of the state of New Mexico. It is a lovely old town with the typical adobe style buildings, old churches, including the oldest church in the US (c 1610). We had a great walk around the downtown plaza which is just a few blocks from our hotel. Norma patronized the street vendors. At a shop we bought a beautiful piece of pottery made by the Acoma tribe (from the Sky City area where we stayed last night). We will put it in the mail home on Monday. The store would not ship to Canada. The weather has been unsettled all day but at least we managed to have a bit brighter time and little rain while walking.

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