Thursday, April 23, 2009

Total KM = 563

Woke to beautiful sunny day - not a cloud in the sky - but pretty cool (scratch that, insert "cold"). We were grateful for the heated seats, grips, electric vests and hand warmers! Temperature averaged 6 to 7 C all day with gusty winds most of the afternoon. Rode through the Columbia River gorge - world famous for wind surfing - too cool for that today though.

Headed south on Hwy 97 expecting to find a gas station at one of the many little towns we went through. No luck. There are a few for sale though, if anyone is interested. Was getting a bit tight as we coasted down every hill and braced for the uphills with our fingers crossed but managed to make it into Madras.
The hills around the Columbia River gorge are porcupined with power generating windmills. It gave Doug a good feeling since this is defunct Hanford Nuclear Power Station country.
One point of interest during the ride was this "shoe tree" There must be a local story around it. You probably can't tell clearly by the photo but every possible branch holds a pair of shoes!
We are spending the night in Klamath Falls, Oregon and will continue on into Northern California tomorrow morning -tomorrow afternoon if it snows here as it sure feels cold enough to! They are predicting a low of 27F.
PS Re: yesterday's blog entry - Jose did know his stuff - Yummmmm!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the start of your trip. We have SNOW in Cranbrook ... arrrg ... I soo need to go for a long ride. I have posted a link to this Blog on the College portal. I'll be following you. Have a great time, drive safe and watch for those cages.
