Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Total KM = 27 km plus Shank's mare

The disappointing change of plans had us feeling a little lost this morning as we waited for Raindancer to be ready. Walked over to the dealer just before lunch but still not ready so back to the hotel until it was. Is certainly nice to have our wheels back. There was a great surprise for us as when they pulled the front apart they found the key we had lost the first few days we owned the bike (back in 2005) while we were in Nova Scotia. We thought we had lost it in the long grass as it had flipped out of the ignition when Doug took the tank bag off. It has riden all these KM safely in its hiding place in the engine!

Made our way out Clairemont Mesa road to the AAA where they gave us every map we could possibly need - used the BCAA card so got it all at no cost.

Rode out to La Jolla. Lovely town (or should I say suburb of San Diego) right on the ocean. Went for a nice walk along the ocean watching sea lions, pelicans, and a variety of sea birds as well as people in sea kayaks and those scuba diving in the dive park.

Had a great seafood dinner at the "Crab Catcher" (halibut, prawns) sitting overlooking the ocean. Very enjoyable.

We both really like San Diego. The road system is very organized, not even appearing busy at rush hour. No Port Mann Bridge/Deerfoot Trail gridlocks. The vegetation is so like Hawaii with the palm trees, birds of paradise flowering and other tropical-type plants. The weather and temperatures have been moderate - no extremes. For the size of this city we have both found it very relaxing and have felt very safe.

Tomorrow sees us heading east. No firm plans yet, just heading east. We will keep our Houston flight plans as the cancellation insurance will not help us out there. That means we have three weeks to play our way across - stop when we like and make plans as we go. Now we have the maps that will make it a bit easier. We are both such planners I can't see we will just be nomads as we go but then you never know. We are looking forward to being on the road again.

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