Saturday, April 25, 2009

Total KM = 423

A beautiful sunny California day. There are no easy, more rural, alternative routes down through central California, so it was freeway (Hwy 99) travel all day. But there were some interesting sights, like the vineyards and orchards. Saw more motorcycles out today as well. Also the usual assortment of friendly California freeway riders. Not sure if it is the B.C. plates or what, but we are getting lots of smiles and waves from passing car inhabitants. The other day in the snow they may have just been laughing at us?
We are stopped at Tulare (north of Bakersfield). Went for a nice long walk along palm-lined streets among the tile roofed buildings, typical of Southern California towns - one and a half hours worth of walking. Had planned on a shorter walk but got stuck walking and walking and walking trying to find a grocery store. We are in a very nice residential area so knew there had to be one somewhere. Passed two that were closed down and then found ourselves in a huge outlet mall. Did eventually find a grocery store and are just now enjoying lovely California strawberries - $1.50 for a pound! Oh, yeah - saw fields of them with workers picking as well.

Will probably make a little later start tomorrow and we will need to plan our approach into San Diego later this evening.

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