Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Total KM = 0 - public transit and on foot only

After 35 years of dreaming about this trip (for Doug) and a winter of planning. . . today we learned of the following Government of Canada edict:
As of April 27 2009, travellers from Canada are recommended to postpone elective or non-essential travel to Mexico until further notice. This is, of course, due to the influenza epidemic in Central and Southern Mexico. If you check your map you will see that travel to Central America by motorcycle is not possible without entering Mexico. Initially our reaction was - we've come this far let's go anyway! However after further internet research (e.g. Air Transat, our Canadian Mexico holidayer "shuttle service" has cancelled all flights until June 1st), message from the infection control nurse at Norma's work, etc. and the possibility of being in Mexico under a full World Health Organization lockdown, we have cancelled the Mexican motorcycle insurance and reluctantly made the decision to not go. It is taking us a while to get our heads around it as we are both such planners (see plan "B" below). In a bit of an attempt to make up for this we had a Mexican dinner take out tonight - we had been holding off on having any Mexican food, saving it for our upcoming trip!

As for today, we had a leisurely morning complete with buffet breakfast, walked up to the BMW dealer to check on the progress of the motorcyle then got on the bus to Balboa Park Natural History Museum and saw the "Body Worlds" exhibit. It is a wonderful exhibit of real human bodies that people have donated for this exhibit. The bodies are plastisized and positioned to show all. Fascinating. After our time there we wandered around the rest of the museum saw the fabulous Moreton Bay fig tree (see attached image) then crossed over to the huge, beautiful rose and cactus gardens.

When we got back to pick up the motorcycle we discovered it was not ready and will not be ready until around 11 tomorrow so we have decided to stay here another night. Not a huge inconvenience, especially given the above events, and we are both really enjoying San Diego. We are going to to the waterfront for a seafood dinner tomorrow night as a treat after our vacation disappointment.

Plan "B" - well, we don't really have one.

Being GPSless we will go to the AAA office tomorrow and pick up some new maps. At this time we are thinking of heading east into the desert and will see where we go from there. May try to take in a ML baseball game or two. Our flight plans from Houston may also change but we will see.

1 comment:

  1. Well, that's a real bummer Doug. I was looking forward to following your trip. Oh, well, I'll still follow you along, Hey, maybe head over to Phoenix and say hello to Wayne.
