Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Zadar, Croatia

Last evening we attended a theatre performance by Juliette Primrose, a New Zealand violinist who played with Michael Flatley (Riverdance) and has an amazing repertoire. 

Juliette Primrose

An overnight sail brought us to the interesting port of Zadar, an area of the Adriatic Coast that has been conquered many times over. It has an fascinating history, from the Neolithic era, through the Romans and beyond. 

Our crew took a taxi from the port to the walls of old city to explore. After a leisurely walk through shiny cobblestone streets we made it to the ocean walkway and the sea organ, which is a construction of stairs that sounds like an organ playing with the motion of the water trapping air under the stairs. Beside the sea organ is a huge sun energy storage structure. This provides an amazing solar powered light show at night which we won't see this time but did see on our previous visit.

Sea organ and sun energy storage

We checked out old church ruins and then so the teens weren't too bored went into the Museum of Illusions. 

We managed to find a shaded grassy park to walk through and rest from the heat. On the way back to meet the Uber the kids were thrilled to come across a candy store. The gummy bears were the size of Doug's hand!

Also included in the pictures is grandmas attempt at a selfie with Ciaran. Got lots of laughs from the gang.

It was a very hot walk but good to explore together.


Norma and Ciaran

Gianna and Ciaran

Catholic church

This afternoon we set sail for Split, Croatia. Don't say it. Don't! Yep, we really are splitting for Split . . .

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