Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Dubrovnik and Beyond

 This  afternoon we left the picturesque city of Dubrovnik and set sail toward Zadar, Croatia. We spent the day lounging about in the ship while the rest of the family members were more energetic and explored more of the area (keep in mind we have been here before).

Dubrovnik shore
It is interesting to watch other ships pass by coming and going out of the harbour. A particularly interesting navy vessel passed by with some very bored seamen, probably wishing they were aboard our ship.

Navy ship

Bored Seamen

We participated in a couple of trivial pursuit games today. Norma and I came in second by ourselves in the morning and with the rest of the family (especially Stefanie, see below photos for the family crew) we won the afternoon session.
Trivia champions

Trivia prizes

Stef, Bruce and Paula

Steve, Ciaran and Gianna

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