Monday, June 12, 2023

Whitehorse, YT

955 kilometers = 10.5 hours travel time

Started out in a dense smoky haze in Ft. Nelson, drove out of it in about an hour, whereupon it rained for 3 hours. When it finally abated the wind kicked up, blowing the camper around a bit. But all in all it was a good day. Shared the road with lots of travelers from right across North America. It was fun to ID the license plates.

We had just started talking about all the wildlife we had seen in past trips up north and how we hadn’t seen a single thing yet when low and behold we spotted our first very healthy looking black bear. That started the ball rolling. We saw 8 bears, including two black sows with cubs and a beautiful blonde juvenile grizzly (our record was 13 bears in one day on our trip to Jade City), three moose, two herds of wild sheep, one with two lambs, and two herds of buffalo, the second one with calves. And to top it off two rabbits and a porcupine and, of course, deer! All in all a very good day for sightings.

Young moose

Well fed black bear

Shedding bison

On one of our past motorcycle trips we had stayed in Watson Lake and taken a picture of the signpost forest so hesitated to do it again but this is a different trip with a different mode of transportation.

Watson Lake signpost forest

We hit the highest gas price so far on this trip at $2.29 a litre. Grant it this was an out of the way area so not really surprised. Mostly it’s been around $1.80.

We most likely will not have internet for the next four days so blog entries will be multiple when we gain access again.

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