Sunday, June 18, 2023

Watson Lake, YT


979 km – 12 hours

Due to a planning miscalculation we spent about 4 extra hours on the road today. We made it to Watson Lake just in time too. It is t-storming very heavily now. We are glad we are here as we had planned to camp but instead opted for a trip down memory lane. Many years ago while on one of our motorcycle rides up north we stopped at Watson Lake and stayed in the “Nice Motel”. We are here tonight but it is now called the “Nicer Motel” under new owners. Still a “nice” room with kitchenette but starting to show its age. Only thing missing was the Alaska king crab legs we had for dinner last time. We actually purchased them in the grocery store here but today things were closed for the day. We were smart enough to pick up something in Whitehorse today so were fine.

We did see some wildlife today. Two black bears, a momma moose with her calf, a deer and the usual gophers and squirrels trying their fate running across the road. On the road we take tomorrow we should see lots more bear. At least that was the case a few years ago. We will have to see if we can break our record of 13 sightings in one day.


Laird River

On our way north a few days ago we drove through a forest fire area near the Klondike-Dempster junction. We noticed morel mushroom pickers parked on the side of the road. Also a buyer set up with his camp. Today we decided to see if we could buy some. So into the buyers’ camp we went but unfortunately he had just put them all into the dryer. No luck! But no giving up yet! Along the road we saw a guy walking around his camp which was set up right on the edge of the road. The truck came to a quick stop and out Norma jumped. He unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) only had some stems and “left overs” but he gave them to us and directed us across the road and up the power line dirt “road” to his friends. There we were able to buy all two pounds the guy had picked this morning. He was happy. We were happy. They are only getting $6 a pound from the buyer. We gave him $20. Then there was the challenge of fitting them in our little fridge. Can’t wait to try some.

Pretty drive today as we saw the pigmy forest change into real forest. Lots of rain clouds around and signs of rain in some areas but not on us until now and it is COMING DOWN!

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