Sunday, June 27, 2021

Williams Lake, BC 401 km

+37C in Williams Lake? We continue to receive our illustration of global warming. And continue to see the benefits of having hotel loyalty cards as we are stretching (obliterating?) check in times by starting to travel very early and stopping very early. Today we checked in at 1:00 pm. Motorcycling ceases to be enjoyable by 35C. The bike suffers as well – especially tires.

Heat notwithstanding today’s ride was quite pleasant due to relatively sparse traffic. Most of the route was a repeat of part of our Cassiar trip last summer so comparisons of river and creek levels were made, etc. We basically rode from a shady spot to a shady spot – no shade, no stopping. Cooling vests were on for the last hour and could have been put on earlier.

Shady spot

Very nice displays of wildflowers along the way. We certainly like our compact Olympus travel camera. It functions well at a macro (close-up) level as you can see from the wild rose image, and has a 24X optical zoom to boot.

Tomorrow we embark on the first of the 3 “reasons” for this trip. A new route for us will be to ride to Anahim Lake via Highway 20. Apparently the road has not fared well over the winter so we are expecting some “rough” sections. We will attach the Go-Pro for the first time. We have booked a room at a lakeside resort.

I guess it is appropriate that we should be in the Anahim Lake – Williams Lake area tomorrow, June 28, the first game of the 2021 Stanley Cup final series. According to the net: when Carey Price was three, his family moved to the remote town of Anahim Lake in central British Columbia where he was raised. He was taught to play goaltender by his father on a frozen creek during the winter months and played organized hockey in Williams Lake over five hours and 320 kilometres away by car on Highway 20.

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