Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Quesnel, BC 474 km

 Last night we treated ourselves to a gourmet dinner at the resort. Fresh salad (Anahim Lake has its own greenhouse operation and farmer’s market) followed by pork kabobs with tzatziki accompanied by a delicious quinoa pilaf. And don’t forget the ice-cream with fresh berries! It is too bad we didn’t have more time and less heat to explore the resort. It finally cooled enough about 10pm to sit outside in our screened in balcony. We even attracted enough frustrated mosquitos to land on the screen and assist in moving the air through with their collective wing beats. Our unit was not air conditioned but did have a big ceiling fan and later by opening windows on both ends of the room we managed to get a cross breeze.

Resort Grounds

Resort Grounds
Today we retraced our highway 20 route back through Williams Lake and north on 97 to Quesnel. We did need some fuel but wanted to get away early so opted to wait ‘til Tatla Lake as we knew there was a pump there. We had stopped there on our way in. Except it was closed. And is apparently only open three times a week on mail delivery days. Oh, oh. Fuel is a long way apart in this country. Luckily Norma managed to get help from the local motel operator who sold us some gas from her lawnmower supply.  We probably could have made it to the next station, but that took the “probably” out of the equation.

A puff of dust ahead means gravel. Again.
Today we had the same herds of cows and horses to make our way through but we had an added bonus. We finally did spot a bear. Well actually we almost made a mid-size black bear into road kill! He/she came up out of the ditch at great speed right in front of us. A bit of rapid heartbeat for a few minutes. Not enough time to get pictures.

Tomorrow we ride through Prince George to Smithers. The weather is supposed to moderate somewhat which is good as the heat is very draining. Today we opted to skip lunch and keep going to our reservation in Quesnel. Neither one of us was hungry in the 37C temperatures (crossing the Fraser River Canyon it read 38.5C). We did stop for lots of drinks though. You get dehydrated so quickly with the air rushing past and the heat. Yes, we used our cooling vests again.

Chilcotin scenery

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