Saturday, June 26, 2021

Vernon, B.C. 356 km

We are not going to dwell on this astounding heat wave we are experiencing but suffice to say this is the first time on all the motorcycles we ever owned that the environmental temperature sensor read +40C.  Downtown Vernon, B.C. no less. We have seen it read below 0C a few times and a cute snowflake appears next to the number so we expected something for +40C but we were disappointed. It should have a fire cracker or something else impressive.

The ride to Vernon today was a mostly a familiar one via 31A and 6. Lots of bikes on the road as both are famous motorcycling routes. We left just before 8am. We stopped at the mountain lake rest stop at the summit of Monashee Pass for a packed picnic lunch. Doug donned his soaked cooler vest at that point while Norma waited ‘til Cherryville, a bit further along. They definitely increase evaporative cooling while cruising but become stifling in city traffic. We don’t use them a lot but I remember the first time we soaked them in the Rio Grande in Texas.

Probably the most interesting highway encounter today was with a cow moose and her baby. Oh, oh, you might think. And yes, we slowed quickly when we saw them, staying well clear and honked a lot. Luckily they proceeded on their way without mother moose taking exception to our presence. There are lots of documented cases of moose-motorcycle confrontations. If you think of what a motorcycle might look like to a nearsighted moose (think of the mirrors mimicking antlers) you can understand why.

Tomorrow morning early we will leave for Williams Lake.

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