Saturday, February 9, 2019

Malaga, Spain (2nd day)

After “mostly” sleeping through a loud party in the hotel courtyard (apparently not everyone slept well – we heard some disgruntled guests at reception this morning) we got up at 9:00 (!) and had the included hotel breakfast – the usually European fare of everything imaginable - and went for a walk downtown. 

Malaga is a very easy city to get around in and has a party feel to it. Everyone greats you with “hola” then good morning, as they somehow they know we are English speakers. Language has not been a problem. This city is packed with history. When we checked in yesterday the check in girl gave us a map of the area. Downtown is a very short walk from the hotel. Looking a greater distance on the map it is a very pleasant cobblestone/tile walkway with a maze of narrow streets filled with shops, bakeries, outdoor cafes and more. Being Saturday there were fresh produce markets set up along the streets as well the “Marcado Atarazanas” being open (it is only open until 3:00 p.m. so was closed on our walk last night). It is a huge indoor market area with fresh produce, outside eating area, etc. It made for a no elbow room street for the block it covers.

We viewed the impressive Roman Catholic cathedral, the Moorish Palace and the bull fighting arena (now closed and in the process of upgrade presumably for the upcoming season). The sidewalks were jammed with tourists some of which originated from the docked cruise ships. There were numerous tour groups at these sites using a variety of transportation from walking, bicycling, horse drawn carriage, Segways and motorized scooters. We spent some time walking in a botanical garden-like park where we were regaled by screeching monk parrots.

We had mentioned yesterday there weren’t many beggars. Scratch that. Is it because it is Saturday, or the cruise ships are in or we were out earlier today? There were beggars on many corners as well as buskers at the touristy areas, singing opera, playing piano, etc. Other entrepreneurs were painting portraits, making/selling jewellery, selling almonds and the like.

On the way back to the room we checked the hotel’s basement parking and found our motorcycle waiting for us. It even has our name on it!

All the group (3 couples and 2 singles: 4 Canadians and 4 Americans) met the guides at 6:30 this evening for a general introduction and briefing. This was followed by a group dinner at 8. Spain eats dinner really late! Tomorrow we go on the first leg of our trip.
Cathedral Interior
Moorish Palace 
Vegetable Market
Almond Street Vendor
The tour group in Malaga

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