Friday, February 22, 2019

Malaga, Spain – 224 km

We were on the road in Ceuta by 8 am this morning – but not for long as 5 minutes later we found ourselves at the ferry terminal. Loading was straight forward as was the sail across the Strait of Gibralter. It was perhaps a bit rougher than the trip over but still not too bad. It is a quick 45 minute trip though they did advise everyone to stay seated and locate the “bags” behind your seat if you needed one during the journey. None of us did and in fact most had a little nap after being up so early. Soon after we landed we had a coffee break and unloaded Tom’s bike from the van so he could finish the ride with us. Debbie opted to ride in the van to eliminate the extra stress of a passenger on his sore shoulder. He did fine today and enjoyed the ride immensely.

Basically what we did today was to retrace our route from tour day 1 but in reverse. It is a very winding road which traverses 3 passes on the way to Malaga. In actuality we could have taken the freeway but would have missed all the great scenery and good motorcycling roads.

We stopped at the mountain town of Rondo for lunch. Rondo is literally built on a cliff and has some interesting roots in Roman times. It has gotten very touristy but we enjoyed it and our lunch at an outdoor café.

When we got back to Malaga we rode to the bike shop to drop off all the bikes and were taxied to our hotel, the same one we used on arrival.

So. . .that is our “Magical Morocco Tour”. It was truly an amazing experience, one which we will reflect upon over the next few days and perhaps add some more thoughts and analyses as they arise.

Erik and Sergi, our tour guides did an outstanding job in keeping us safe, entertained with stories/antics and well informed. They led us to some great motorcycling and adventure.

Tonight we said goodbye to our fellow tourers and guides after an excellent Spanish dinner at a local restaurant. We will all leave for various destinations tomorrow: from A to B (Akron to Barcelona) and other points on the globe. We hope you enjoyed following our motorcycle adventure on this blog!
Roadside flea market in Morocco

Moroccan truck

Rondo bullfighting arena

Hotel Parador in Ronda
Goodbye K1600!

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

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