Sunday, February 10, 2019

Algeciras, Spain 224 km

We both were awake for about 3 or so hours early this morning (1 to 4ish) as our internal clocks are still in the process of resetting but managed to accumulate enough sleep to function today, although Norma complained of drowsiness after our lunch stop. Must get into the habit of caffeine for lunch.

We all met at 9 am this morning to be introduced to the bikes, sign rental papers, have a brief outline of the day and departed Malaga at 10 bound for Algeciras at the southern tip of Spain. This is short ride if you take the freeway.  We went over three mountain passes instead. It was cool at the top: 8C. Our guides were very high on this as a favourite motorcycling road and indeed it snaked through the Nieves Natural Park and over mountains and being a sunny Sunday it was full of bikes whizzing by in both directions. It was a very enjoyable ride but the big BMW would definitely like to be going faster. On the whole the asphalt has been in good shape too which has made it an even better ride.

We travelled through some farm land and small towns. All the houses are whitewashed and so look stunning against the mountain backdrop. Apparently as it gets hot here in the summer and this helps reflect the heat. As we got closer to the ocean we could see Gibraltar in the distance. More on that tomorrow. We attached the helmet cam this morning at our first rest stop and will post some captured images soon.

We stopped at a small restaurant in the mountains for a tasty lunch (see image) and arrived at our hotel at 3 pm or so. In the evening in conjunction with dinner we had an extensive meeting about the border crossing into Morocco, filled out papers, etc. We were painted a “worst case scenario” including a delay of 5 hours, etc. We shall see how it pans out tomorrow after the 45 min. ferry ride. Also posting this blog could be problematic in the next while depending on the Wifi connections.
Lunch stop


Norma and Bike

Chase Van
Algeciras Hotel

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