Sunday, May 29, 2011

Long Beach, Washington

KM = 440

Woke to a beautiful sunny day, though pretty cool. Got a fairly early start and soon found ourselves in the cloudy coastal area but other than a very few rain drops we got away luck today.

Stopped in the rain forest area and took a short walk in the woods. Had a nice chat with another motorcyclist who was heading to Alaska from Los Angeles. Gave him a few tips from our trip a few years ago.

Following the coast along. Spectacular rhododendrons in peoples yards with blossoms ranging from reds to pinks and mauves.

Stopped for the night in a very tourist seaside area, Long beach Washington. I think every state and province has a Long Beach and they are probably all as touristy. They claim to have the longest beach in the world and it is pretty long allright. No swimming as the current is pretty violent. They do allow vehicles to drive along the beach and have a hard packed road but as you can guess the young ones think they can get away with cars in sand with the usual results - thoroughly stuck! Quite humourous as the bunch of teens sat in the car expecting one to be a pusher. They eventually all got out to push once it was up to the hub cabs in sand! Skies are clearing this evening so we are hopeful we may see some sun in the morning.

Enjoyed a nice crab dinner. Went for a long walk to the "Crab pot" for a fresh catch. Yumm!

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