Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Langley, B.C.

Total Km = 643

Brown bear, brown bear what do you see?

I see a nice plump tourist taking a picture of me

Mama black bear, black bear what do you see?

Lots of crazy tourists stopping their cars right in the middle of the highway taking pictures of me and my two babies eating lunch.

That's right - not one but three separate bear sightings in Manning Park today. That makes a total of 6 bears we have seen in two days. Now where are they when you want to show them to visitors?

Also saw two MVCs - Motor Vehicle Crashes - one on the Hope Princeton where it looked like the driver took one of the hairpin curves too quickly striking a concrete retainer (hard hit) and one on the freeway near the Langley turn off where the driver took out a power pole. This one had the traffic backed up for miles just as the rain started.

Stopped for a short break in Christina Lake and had lunch in Osoyoos. Mostly OK weather - cloudy but only a few showers, then a little drizzle until the last 20 minutes or so when it started raining. Here we are in Langley for the night. Now it is really raining but Raindancer is tucked under the entrance roof of the motel so will be dry in the morning.

This was a longish ride for our first day out but we wanted/needed to be closer to the ferry to make it to Victoria in time for Doug's afternoon meeting.

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