Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Baltimore MD #2

Same routine as the past couple of days - grab the 9:22 MARC train to Washington (museums don't open 'til 10), then walk down to the "mall" (its not really a mall - it is that famous place where various marches on Washington have taken place) to the museums. Today we were at the Museum of American History. Certainly worth a visit to see many American artifacts and excellent displays dipicting historical situations and events. It does give you an appreciation of US patriotism. Even got to see Archie Bunker's chair - pictured here and Fonzies jacket, Dorothy from Wizard of Oz shoes.

On the way back we stopped at the Canadian Embassy Building which seems to hold a special place close to the American Capitol building (e.g. the Mexican embassy is in the Foggy Bottom section of Washington). Even the bus driver yesterday commented on that. The site is decorated with the large sculpture Spirit of Haida Gwaii by Bill Reid.

We have come upon an ideal dinner solution. Union Station is the Washington railway hub and besides trains contains 130 shops of all descriptions including a food court. Prior to catching our commuter train back to Baltimore we purchase dinner (Indian last night, Greek tonight) and take it back to the hotel for dinner. In the American way it has proven to be too much food but very good even though some ends up thrown away each night. We have a fridge and microwave in our room so meal heat up has been easy.

In the morning we leave the good old US of A and fly to Bermuda for Ciaran's second birthday. This means an early start to the day.

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