Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Asiago, Italy

 Today's drive started from Parma on freeway toll roads (and another battle with the toll plazas) and ended with a very winding mountain road onto the Asiago plateau. It is quite a beautiful area and, of course, famous for its cheese. The tour we took was at the Caseificio Pennar establishment, a co-op started in the early part of the 20th century to supply the local population. It ships everywhere now.

Cheese making establishment

5000 liters of milk!

Tour Guide

Aging room (the cheese, not Norma)

The product

Each wheel must be turned daily

Cheese shop

The tour was perhaps a bit more informal than our Parma tour and we did not get to see the actual curd collecting process, but we did see the wheel turners - what a job! After the tour we went into the very busy (take a number) cheese shop to sample five different cheeses differentiated by age and curing process.  While we were on tour there was a very noisy t-storm outside and guess what - it has finally cooled off!  We are so grateful for the GPS. No way we would have found the tour or the hotel without it.

Tomorrow we go to Alba.

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