Monday, July 5, 2021

Saskatchewan River Crossing, AB 330 KM

No internet last night so this is posted from Calgary. The coolest ride yet. Temperature-wise (low 20s). Scenery-wise too. We just checked into our room for the night. It is now a thunder and lightning driven mountain storm out there. Good timing. It has been a few years since we have ridden the icefield parkway. A downside to a superb motorcycle ride was the traffic. I guess you really can’t blame people to want to get out and about after what has been going on the last year and a half. Well a lot of them are indeed out and about around here. We went into Jasper for an early lunch and fuel. Wow, crowds and traffic jams. Another downside is the haze in the air (smoke from BC wildfires?). The parkway scenery is just as captivating as ever. The glacier keeps receding, of course. We stopped at the toe parking lot and watched the throngs walking to/from the glacier. In the parking lot is an enterprising individual that gives guided walking tours of the glacier. On the road in they have markers showing the extent of the glacier from 1908 on. This is our last post as we are in Calgary – home tomorrow.

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