Saturday, July 11, 2015

Mt. Garnet – 424 km

Last night the overflow fairground campgrounds had 21 campers. This seems to be the usual for Charters Towers but we found it very comfortable with great showers, power and we were one of the lucky ones to even find a bit of shade.

Maccas (MacDonald’s in Australian) was our first stop of the morning. They seem to have the most reliable internet signal and today we were able to just sit outside and post the blog, check emails and news from home. No need to purchase a $4.80 small cup of latte this time.
The drive today was more of the scrub, cattle ranches, numerous creeks, all named and most without water. Wonder who took the time to go around naming creeks. Must have done it during the wet season so they could actually see they were creeks. The various Aussies we talk to all comment on how dry it is inland and how much they need a good rain. We will be back in Cairns in another day so can guarantee the rain will fall. At least it has happened with our last two trips there. Maybe third time lucky!
We did see lots of live kangaroos by the roadside chowing down on the green grass and sitting in the shade. Of course if you tried to stop to get a picture they just bounded away as fast as they could go. More road kill today than we have seen for a few days as well.
Today’s post is going to be mostly birds as that seems to be all we took pictures of. The magpies were hanging around the campsite begging for scraps and actually came very close to get some cracker pieces. The crested pigeons we seem to see everywhere and we love the “dove” noise they make as they talk and fly.
Crested Pigeon
Tonight we are in a small town at what will probably be a very quiet campground. Right beside the motorhome is a rock garden and a lovely lemon tree with fruit at all stages. Of course the ripest ones are at the very top! Our next door neighbours are from the Melbourne area, going to visit friends in Cairns. The ones down the road are from Tasmania.
We also saw this weird pod tree a few days ago. Not sure what it is but the pods are like big (foot long) beans.

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