Friday, July 10, 2015

Charters Towers – 282 km

Before there was much life in the campground Doug got up to see the sunrise. It wasn’t as spectacular as we have seen in the past but still a nice start to the day.
The morning’s entertainment was watching our neighbours fold up their Kimberley Kamper. These are very popular, well constructed tent trailer with a great fold out kitchen, solid floor and are expensive (30 grand plus). This one looked new so assume this was possibly only their first or second time putting it away. What a production and then to end it all they left behind one of the poles for the awning. We handed it in to the reception and they were going to try and contact the campers on their mobile (talking Aussie now!)

As there was no internet at the campground we headed to the two places we have been having luck in other communities, Target and MacDonald’s. The Target in Bowen has stopped providing the internet as all the backpackers were clogging the doorway and no one could get in to shop so off to MacDonald’s for a morning latte!
Our drive today was again through agricultural area and mainly cane fields with refineries and that nice sweet smell in the air. We saw many more full cane trains as well. Having had enough of the busy semi coastal road we headed inland on a secondary road through some very nice rural areas. The traffic was much less at least for that part.
Cane Train
We finally saw another emu and this guy was just walking along the road. He was a bit intimidated by us and kept trying to duck under the wire fence, finally giving up and sort of jumping over it.
When we got to Charters Towers we discovered the campgrounds were all full. As Doug was about to walk away and see where else we could go the lady said “but we do have powered sites at the showgrounds” so here we are in our nice shaded spot (we are luckily low enough to fit under the trees). Apparently this overflow situation is normal even though there isn’t any events happening in town this weekend. As well as power there are showers, and it is grassed so very pleasant. Apparently there were 23 rigs in here last night. We expect it may be more with it being a Friday night. It is also the last weekend of the school break but what we are seeing here are grey nomads (retirees).
It was a short walk to town so off we went to Ghosts of Gold trail, this having been an old gold town. Many of the old buildings are still standing and are being put into use for other businesses. We did find free internet in Target again as well as the library so will post in the morning. On our walk we have decided you really take your life in your hands here in Australia. We don’t remember this from before but pedestrians have no rights and the cars come screaming past with no regard for your safety!
We even spent a bit of time at the pokies. Now don’t get excited. This is a totally different meaning in Australia than at home. No we were not in jail, we were in a casino at the slots. As per usual Doug was up and Norma was down but what else is new. We thought we needed to at least give it a try to say we played the slots in Oz. One of the major differences is the payout came out of the machine in one dollar coins – could be a heavy win.
Parked here in the fairgrounds there was a semi loaded with monster trucks. It is their yearly event in a few weekends though we can’t figure out why he is here now – maybe advertising?

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