Monday, May 26, 2014

Worley, ID - 306 km.

Our annual spring motorcycle ride is underway and as always it started out in the rain. It rained hard all morning and was just beginning to clear a bit as we left home around noon. The afternoon was spent dodging rain squalls and the odd t-storm. We did have the rain gear off and on twice. Every time we tried to stop for a break another rain squall would hit. The worst part was the wind that picked up closer to our destination.

The US customs officer actually remembered us from previous trips, but searched the bike none-the-less. He found our huckleberry jam but did not confiscate it although I detected a bit of drool at the corner of his mouth. Maybe we should take him a jar next time – or would that be a bribe?

The memorial day traffic was a little heavy in some spots- mostly motorhomes, trailers and campers otherwise it was clear sailing, although our helmet to helmet communication system ceased working somewhere along the way. We will have to decide whether we want to go back to Spokane to replace it or forge on to Reno/Sparks and try there or just do without this trip. Doug is a little reticent to lose Norma’s eyes/ears/help, especially in urban traffic and we will see some of that on this ride.

We arrived at Worley about 4pm and Doug noticed Raindancer was acting a little strange – pulling to the right in the parking lot. Then we saw why. He wanted to park next to a nice looking BMW R1000. Take a look at the picture of his new friend – nice jugs!

We will spend the evening gambling and trying to spend or hopefully increase the children’s inheritance!! Or should we say increasing our holiday account as we have so many more things planned we hope to do and soon.

Weather forecast is better for tomorrow so we will see what lies ahead.

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