Monday, May 12, 2014

Reyneke Caravan Park (2 km west of Bloemfontein, Free State, SA) – 202 km

Monday, May 12, 2014 Reyneke Caravan Park (2 km west of Bloemfontein, Free State, SA) – 202 km

Being well into the fall here the temperature dropped to +4 so we had the heater on all night. It makes a nice soothing sound and luckily drowned out the roosters so we actually slept to 7 am. There was a mist over the river and you could see your breath! Made us think of how our summer is coming while people here are getting ready for their winter.

Our first stop was at “The Big Hole” in Kimberley, Northern Cape Province. This is the site of the old diamond mine. We had both wanted to come here as we are both familiar with Kimberley BC with Norma having grown up there and Doug working a short 20 minute drive from there for 30 years. They have created a replica of an old mining town along with an operational guest house, bar, shops as well as renovating some of the old homes and furnishing them with era memorabilia. Also available for viewing are two of the township-like corrugated iron huts. Now we know why we have been seeing people carting off cardboard. It is used as insulation on the inside of the hut. They have also created a viewing station directly over the Big Hole. It is amazing how they managed to work that deep in the ground (operations ceased there in 1914). There were also stations where you could pan for diamonds, but they weren’t offering that today with tourist season over coming into their winter.

We got back on the road with Bloemfontein as our destination for today. “Fontein” is a word you see very often in names of places. It loosely translates to fountain, or spring. When you see how barren some parts of the country are you realize how vital the access to water is.

We have now entered Free State, so we have now been in all nine provinces. We wanted a quieter day as we wind down from our month long adventure. Do laundry, etc. Today the drive was much like the Canadian prairies, fields turned over, crops being brought in, etc. Lots of sunflower plants ready for harvest. For the first time we actually saw a white hitch hiker!

We had heard about this caravan park from fellow campers last evening. We have our own very nice ablution block. There is an equestrian center next door and lots of chickens and chicks running around. We watched over the fence as two young girls were having riding lessons. Doug could just stand and see very easily but Norma needed the camper stool! The only thing is the railway tracks are right beside us. So far five trains have gone by so we will see. We imagine the heater will be on all night again so the noise may not be a factor.

We have been trying to use up all our provisions and carefully planning the next few meals to try and clean everything up. I am sure we will be seeking fellow campers to offer our few meager remains.

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