Tuesday, April 22, 2014

St. Lucia, Kwazulu Natal, SA – 390 km

Getting our blog posted yesterday was comical. The caravan park’s internet server went down so the very accommodating park manager managed to hook us up briefly using her internet stick connection, which also was not working very well. The three of us ended up in the parking lot with our laptop perched on the roof of her car for maximum access.

The caravan park was interesting. It was completely fenced complete with an electronic gate and security guard to control access. Inside the compound is an aviary with parrots/budgies, rosy faced love birds and the like, a greenhouse, a restaurant, a spa, a small farmyard with geese, goats and chickens plus, of course, camping spots and motel units. Oh yes, and the lawn mowing crew which consisted of three antelope! They didn’t seem too bothered with people around but did the usual snort, foot stomp thing if they thought we were getting too close.

This morning we departed Piet Retief at 0800 and headed south toward the Indian Ocean, our destination being the Hluhlewe-imfolozi Park, a wildlife reserve in our next destination province: Kwazulu Natal. We made fairly good time except for the last hour where goat/human/chicken/pothole dodging was necessary. The park looked interesting, but the check-in people didn’t speak very good English so we needed to drive into the park to discover there was no camping or accommodation of any kind available, so we had lunch there, spent a bit of time at an animal capture display center and headed toward the coast. While in the park we did see a bull elephant in a river and a large male giraffe who walked across the road in front of us. Pretty impressive how tall they are. The temperature was 39C for awhile!

We are now at Dave’s Place camp and youth hostel in St Lucia where we will spend the night. Pretty interesting with the answers we keep getting about internet. “We think we have it” but this rarely pans out. We are now heading off to the internet café down the way to see what we can do.

We are here and now will try to download a picture. . .check last two blogs for more.
African sunrise.

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