Friday, February 1, 2013

Vicinity of Kona, HI

Yesterday as we were golfing the wind kicked up a bit during the last few holes. It continued overnight and today (gusts to 40 mph) as we left for the town of Kona but strangely abated almost completely about 15 miles from here.  Another illustration of the diversity of the big island.

Surf’s up! Isn’t that what they say when it gets windy like this and they can hit the boards or whatever they call it. We have seen some interesting ways to get your board to the water including strapping it to your scooter or carrying it while hitting the streets on a skateboard – all effective methods of transport.

Had a leisurely morning before heading off to Kona for a bit of sightseeing/shopping. The first stop was a book store we had read about “come in and pet a cat” which we did. The owner told us she thinks that is why people come in! She did have a good assortment of books though.
A shopping mall in paradise!
After much driving around looking for a parking spot we pulled into Hilo Hattie’s and did a bit of shopping. Left the car there –not sure we should have but the lot wasn’t that busy – and walked around until we found a spot for lunch. After lunch we decided to try the parking closer to town again and this time lucked out or should that be in?
    Hulihe'e Palace
With the car secured we were able to walk around the little very touristy area of Kona. We took a tour of the Hulihe’e Palace (built in 1838) and found the guide very informative. Apparently all the antiques from the palace had been sold but the Princess had kept a record and later the restorers were able to get a lot of it back so the original furnishings were there, including some beautiful hand carved armoires and marble tables. Interesting fact – the chandeliers and glass had been shipped from Italy packed in molasses, a very good cushion I would assume.
After walking about in the heat we just had to stop for another taste of chocolate macadamia nut ice cream. This stuff is getting addictive. Sweet tooth satisfied we made our way from Kona.

Macadamia nut chocolate ice cream!
As we got closer to Waikoloa Village where we are staying the winds picked up again. In fact the wind is so strong it has pushed over one of the big rattan chairs on the lanai and forced it into the corner!
Tonight we plan to go out for a prime rib dinner – the Friday night special at one of the local restaurants. We will see how good it is.
The royal banyon tree
P.S. Internet problems yesterday prevented inclusion of pictures in yesterday's blog but Doug did an update this morning. 

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