Thursday, January 31, 2013

Kohala region, HI

Another day in paradise. Woke to glorious sunshine. We decided today to go in search of whales so off we set heading north up the west coast to the top of the island (Kohala region). We had read about two spots that were good for sightings so that was our goal.
Our first stop was at the Lapakahi State Historical Park. This is the site of an over 600 year old village that they have tried to preserve. There were huts reconstructed, and areas maintained as of old, even down to the salt pots where they would collect sea water, let it evaporate and use the collected salt crystals for preserving fish and meat. There was also a protected monk seal area there but they were all out fishing or something – no sightings for us. There are several state parks where you can go for walks/hikes of various length, pretty short in our standards but none the less enjoyable. Back to our goal for today’s ride - we did see a pod of three whales breaching and blowing and making their way up the coast heading north. The binoculars came in handy for capturing the full experience.
Halle (village house)
Our next stop was Kapa’a Beach Park where there were people tent camping, which you can do with a special permit. There was a young woman out swimming in the surf, no flippers or anything and being pushed into the rocks and dragged back out. She seemed to be having a great time and must have been a very strong swimmer to keep up the pace we witnessed. This is obviously a favourite whale watching area as well as there were a two people with their tripods and long lens cameras set up, talking about what they had been seeing the last few days. We saw more whales though they were farther out this time.
From here we proceeded on a less traveled road to the Pololu Valley – beautiful view and a hike available for those wanting to descend the 3,000 feet to the sea shore.
Walk down?

On our way back on this dead end road then stopped at Keokea Beach Park and watched a group of young guys boogie boarding and surfing. They were having a great time out there. As there was a great viewing and picnic area in the park we had our lunch and let them entertain us.
Looks like fun!
As we were driving we noticed a chicken BBQ at the side of the road at one of the tourist info places at Hawi. They had set up a utility trailer with dozens of chickens on spits being cooked. This was going to turn into our dinner (later -was very good!). Turns out that there is a popular song currently on the radio extolling the virtues of this "HULI" chicken.
Huli chicken"trailer"
Our drive home was on another scenic route through the Kohala Mountains. We had a tee time for 1:58 so didn’t want to be late and now dinner was taken care of to boot.

Had our one promised golf game at the Waikoloa Village course that runs along the front of our condo. We were matched up with two very nice elderly gentlemen from Victoria. Their wives chose not to join them today. They come for a month every year and have done this for 25 years. We enjoyed our round – as usual some good shots and some not so good but it was still fun and we couldn’t have asked for better weather.
We continue to be amazed at the diversity of the vegetation we have been seeing from barren rocky to lush rain forest tropical to grassy farm land. It is quite something for such a small area of land.

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