Sunday, June 14, 2015

Cairns, QLD

Anyone have any suggestions on how to move Australia closer to North America? After a total of almost 20 hours of flying from Calgary we landed in Cairns about 12:30 pm today (Monday), losing Sunday in the process. The Calgary-LA leg was smooth, whereas the LA-Brisbane and Brisbane-Cairns legs had some bumps. We were hit by the humidity as soon as we got off the plane! We both managed to sleep a little so our aim now is to stay awake until it is bedtime in Australia. Oh, well, only 5 more hours to go!

We checked into our hotel and went for a walk to try to buy a portable BBQ for the campervan we are picking up tomorrow. The 1 hour walk (successful by the way as we got a portable grill top for the propane stove) in the tropical QLD humidity has us soaking wet! Cairns is also not that walker friendly as there are few continuous sidewalks. It appears that people only put in a sidewalk in front of their own property so if their neighbours choose not to participate the sidewalk ends. Also many puddles and muddy areas - in the supposed dry season (it was bucketing in Brisbane when we landed, too).

Swimming pool at the hotel.

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