Thursday, June 5, 2014

Worley, ID - 709 km

“Happy Trails” to us, or “Memories Were Made of This” or “On the Road Again”. All these kept running through our heads as we made our way northeast. Hard to believe we are writing our last blog for this trip as we will be home tomorrow. We have had a great ride but, as usual, the time has gone by too fast.

May not have mentioned that in Oregon you are not allowed to pump your own gas (no self-serve) unless you are a motorcyclist then the attendant happily hands the nozzle to you. See attached photo for other exceptions at some stations!

We were blessed with another great sunny riding day. The day consisted of “remember whens”. Including the year we coasted down hills as we almost ran out of gas in central Oregon – that lovely camp site beside the river where we were warned not to go in the grass due to rattlesnakes (has been closed for a few years now) – the 50’s style drive in hamburger place where we had lunch – the motel on the hill where we walked to a small family owned grocery store and bought the most delicious authentic Mexican food and the list goes on! It seem we have ridden most of the roads in the Pacific Northwest now and all hold memories.

The last part of the ride was through the rolling Palouse country where the farm land it getting very green and always looks so fertile. It is among our favourite motorcycle rides. There is now another kind of planting that has taken place since our last ride in this area. They now have fields of power generating windmills along with signs warning of falling ice. There were always a lot in the Columbia River valley but they seem to have spread throughout Southern Washington.

Wonderful Palouse Country Motorcycle Roads
 We actually put on more kms than we had wanted but we did have an aim of making it to Worley. We were disappointed with the poor selection of slots in Sparks and wanted to renew our faith as the machines here, even if they aren’t paying lots, are still pretty fun.

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