Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Ontario, OR 537 km

Today was cool, cloudy and showery necessitating rain gear most of the day - well off and on and off and on again as the day progressed. In spite of that this morning's ride along Idaho's Salmon River was very enjoyable as always (Hwy 95 between Grangeville and Riggins is on our top 10 motorcycling roads list).

The river is VERY busy with fishermen this time of the year. It seemed like every fishable stretch had 2 or 3 boats on it! There are even port-a-potties lining the bank.

This is a very nice part of the world. Even the rest stops provide free doggie water dishes- or so Doug thinks! Actually some poor puppy is going to be waterless at the next stop.
Our stop for the night is in Ontario, OR. We seem to have lost an hour in the process of today's travel so after getting settled in a motel we set out in search of a restaurant to save time (instead of preparing our own). Lo and behold, just down the street is the "Number 1 China Buffet - All You Can Eat". With such a tantalizing name, how could we resist (even though we were worried that our motorcycling attire may have been inappropriate at such a high class epicurean establishment)?

Here is Norma to tell you what we found: What a feast. The young girl (said she was 15 - still growing and astonished at Doug's height) told us there were 46 hot dishes and numerous more cold dishes. She was right. We were very impressed and left not having sampled half of what was available and for a mere $9.80 each. We soon realized why it was so busy on a non-descript Tuesday evening!

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