Wednesday, September 26, 2012


10 hours of flying in the rather cramped British Airways economy class finally landed us in Barcelona. Norma doesn't remember BA being this bad! Heathrow airport in London is security conscious and very busy in contrast to a seemingly laid back Barcelona airport. Customs consisted of cursory examination of our passports (no filling in of any paperwork at all) and a “welcome to Barcelona, enjoy your stay”! This was followed by a ½ hr taxi ride while the cab driver acted as a tour guide in his best broken English (which was a lot better than our Spanish) from the airport to the Diagonal Mar Hilton Hotel (see view from our window) where the cruise line has booked us. We will have a bit more time to explore this intriguing city tomorrow morning before boarding the ship. We both agree this will not be enough time. It is now very much bedtime as the long flight has done us in for today.

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