Saturday, June 4, 2011

Burns, Oregon

KM = 587

Raindancer rested quite nicely last night with his new rear tire and his Harley companions. Was interesting to watch the many rally goers last evening in the Casino. Looked like everyone was having a good time. Also at the Nugget was the National Search and Rescue convention complete with search and rescue pooches. Wonder if the sight of a uniformed dog handler put the chills into some of the bikers. Some of the crowd from last night were still or again into the beer by 7 am.

First leg of the return trip today: Sparks to Burns was done under cloudy skies with comfortable temperatures (even saw 24C on the dash today!). Witnessed the drastic changes in geography from the Oregon coast to inland state with the miles and miles of sage brush, cows, partially dried salt lakes (blowing, swirling dried white salt looked like smoke), antelope and lots of birds, not to mention the wind and rolling hills. Not much traffic and at one point you could see the highway stretching for miles – straight miles even!

Many highway patrol cars out today with speeders pulled over. It seemed we saw more motorcycles on HWY 395 than cars today. At the motel there are 7 bikes already. One of the bikers is richer by the 3 beer we found in our fridge (gave them to him).

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