Monday, June 6, 2011

Nelson, B.C.

KM = 306

An easy ride brought us safely home after a trip total of 4285 km. The only hitch was that we had a rookie customs officer who decided that we should declare the cost of the new tire we had installed in Sparks. Got quite huffy when I suggested that it was a necessary "repair". Guess we should have ridden home on a bald tire. . .

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Worley, Idaho

KM = 656

Today was as close as you can get to a PERFECT motorcycling day. The temp. ranged from 12C to 30.5C with most of the day in the mid 20s. There was no wind (the windmills in the Columbia River wind corridor were stationary). There was a high scattered cloud cover to reduce the glare. We rode highway 395 through Oregon (including the famed Ukiah-Dale scenic corridor) and it was wonderful as usual. This was further topped off by a ride through the curvy highways of the Palouse country of SE Washington, one of our favourite areas and it was all new pavement to boot!

Saw some interesting sights today:

1. A crop dusting helicopter flying very low.
2. All trucks in Central Oregon come equipped with at least one dog loose in the back.
3. A couple of the good ‘ol boys in Plummer, ID loved Raindancer: “Sure is quieter than them durn noisy Harleys”. Of course they were all liquored up and at the general store looking for more.
4. Vultures feasting on road kill.
5. Numerous motorcycles out enjoying the day.
6. Some pretty full creeks and rivers including water nearly running onto the road at the bridge just outside of Burns.

Our latest adventure is coming to a close as we will be heading home tomorrow. Tonight we are at the Coeur d'alene Casino.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Burns, Oregon

KM = 587

Raindancer rested quite nicely last night with his new rear tire and his Harley companions. Was interesting to watch the many rally goers last evening in the Casino. Looked like everyone was having a good time. Also at the Nugget was the National Search and Rescue convention complete with search and rescue pooches. Wonder if the sight of a uniformed dog handler put the chills into some of the bikers. Some of the crowd from last night were still or again into the beer by 7 am.

First leg of the return trip today: Sparks to Burns was done under cloudy skies with comfortable temperatures (even saw 24C on the dash today!). Witnessed the drastic changes in geography from the Oregon coast to inland state with the miles and miles of sage brush, cows, partially dried salt lakes (blowing, swirling dried white salt looked like smoke), antelope and lots of birds, not to mention the wind and rolling hills. Not much traffic and at one point you could see the highway stretching for miles – straight miles even!

Many highway patrol cars out today with speeders pulled over. It seemed we saw more motorcycles on HWY 395 than cars today. At the motel there are 7 bikes already. One of the bikers is richer by the 3 beer we found in our fridge (gave them to him).

Friday, June 3, 2011

Sparks, Nevada

KM = 125

Woke to a very heavy frost in Lake Tahoe so waited for it to warm a bit before setting out. Poor Yakky had frost on his back – see picture!Once it warmed, it turned out to be a very pleasant though short ride under sunny skies.

Stopped at a mall in Carson City so Norma could buy a purple shirt as she had read in her horoscope that purple was going to be lucky and it was – up over $175 in just ¾ of an hour of gambling – fun money to spend for the rest of the evening.

Stopped at the customary Harley Davidson Dealer in Carson City to check it out. Also trying to kill time so we wouldn’t be too early for check in. Got talking to a fellow from California who was warning us about a motorcycle gathering in Sparks and lo and behold it is here at the “Nugget” where we are staying. Once we checked in Doug took Raindancer to the BMW dealer just down the road for a new back tire. They said there is still wear left but we don’t take chances with the rubber.

The gathering is called “Street Vibrations” Had a look around at the numerous tents selling motorcycle gear, some of it pretty coarse and making a statement. The live band was very good so listened to them for a bit. Had a bit of a chuckle at so many of the riders still in chaps, etc. in the casino (making a statement?). It’s usually the first thing Norma takes off after a days ride. As Doug says we probably have put on more miles in one of our bigger trips than many of them have or will have in their motorcycling lifetime. May prove to be an interesting evening with all the drinking and partying already underway and yet to happen. This event apparently goes on for the entire weekend. Raindancer is hiding among the Harleys under the covered parking provided for the participants (hey, why not free parking).

Had dinner in the buffet. Being Friday it was seafood extravaganza – excellent. Now we need to walk a few miles to wear it off!

Check out the stretched SUV we saw today.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

South Lake Tahoe, California

KM= 400

Actually got to ride in the California sunshine almost all day for the first time. The Golden Hills of California are unusually green due to all the rain they have had this spring.

Had another leisurely and pleasant ride through an agricultural area – wheat fields, vineyards and fruit orchards. After having such a big breakfast with our room this morning we just stopped at one of the road side rest stops for apples and nuts. We are looking forward to the buffet dinner at Harrah’s as well as some gambling.

Unseasonably cold in Lake Tahoe, they say. We would agree. The highway cam showed fresh snow this morning, melted by the time we got here but there is plenty on the side of the road in the pass and all the summer cabins along the river are still so buried it will be months before people will be summering in them. Raindancer read +1.5C there this afternoon as we came over, hence the rain gear – didn’t need it for rain but for warmth and the odd snowflake. It is supposed to freeze tonight here.

Just returned from a walk down to the lake. The trees are yet to fully leaf out. Tour boats docked at the marina with a beautiful backdrop of blue lake and snowy mountains. The lake is one of the world’s most beautiful. The organization Keep Tahoe Blue has been an environmental watchdog in the Lake Tahoe Basin for 50 years. The League embraces responsible and diversified use of the Lake's resources while protecting and restoring its natural attributes.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ukiah, California

Km = 393

Immediately upon leaving Crescent City this morning we were into the rainy Redwood forests of California. It was a lovely drive through these mighty towering trees. We would stop and read the info around them, e.g. the one that was saved after much protest as the stump was destined to build a dance floor (Doug in front of it). Interesting that the California tree huggers were in business in 1918! Then there was the Chandelier tree with the road cut through it. We understand there are three drive-through trees to be found in California. Everyone seems to be trying to get on the Redwood bandwagon with single tree houses, etc. We did meander back to the coast a few times and noticed an immediate change in the coast line (less rugged) and the wave activitity - much calmer in California.

We had another leisurely day just stopping when we wanted and enjoying the sites. We are not putting near the amount of kms we would have in the past and are feeling pretty relaxed about it all.

We had repeatedly seen signs to watch for the Roosevelt elk and finally today saw a fairly large herd in one of the Redwood parks.

There has been an unusual amount of rain here as well as was witnessed by a land slide on one of the roads today. Everything is very green and everyone refers to the amounts of rain they have been having.

As it was raining for the last hour of riding we decided to stop earlier at Ukiah. Had a Safeway dinner in the room. Tonight is the first game of the Stanley Cup finals and Vancouverites are pretty excited about the upcoming Canucks game, I'll wager.