Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Idaho Falls, ID 507 km

After a short stint at the Missoula BMW dealer this morning the electronic engine immobilizer is deactivated. It was very nice not to have to fish for the fob every time I wanted to start the bike.

We chose the Bitterroot Valley route south of  Missoula and it was the right choice on a gorgeous day.

Our morning apple stop was at a state campground complete with a fishing platform built by the Army Core of Engineers.
And lo and behold we also found mushrooms! The are very toxic to us but had evidence of deer grazing on them. Not the first time we have seen that scenario.
We went over two 7000+ ft passes today (Chief Joseph and Gilmour) and have transitioned out of the coniferous forests into sagebrush and fenced cattle country.  Its a a tough life for a wooden fence out here.

We are enjoying the great weather and so happy not to have to don rain gear. Something wonderful about sunshine, great roads and a motorcycle!


Monday, May 30, 2016

Missoula, MT 341 km

St. Maries ID area
The ride started this clear morning about 9 am with cool temperatures and a bit of a wind. Leaving Worley we rode to ID3 at Plummer and proceeded west through the St. Maries area. We have ridden this road once before and once more enjoyed the curves and the scenery. It warmed up as the morning progressed as we picked up I90 to Missoula. The MT interstates have a 80 mph speed limit - a little too fast for our comfort. We did see one vehicle pulled over, presumably for speeding. Is it really necessary to go faster than 80 mph?

In our travels today we did manage to find the "wickedest city in America": Taft, MT. Of course the mining areas in the ID mountain are famous in the Kootenays (especially Wallace). Especially when Doug was a teenager.  Norma did not seem to know anything about this area when asked the first time through a couple of years ago. . .

Being an American long weekend the traffic on the highways wasn't as bad as we had expected. We did stop in a few smaller towns looking for a lunch stop and discovered  where everyone was. Every gas station and cafĂ© was full to capacity. Being such a nice day lots of people were out and about or making their way home pulling their varied camping apparatus. We finally settled for a deli sandwich and a seat on a park bench watching the traffic go by.

The reason we are stopped in Missoula is to visit the BMW dealer tomorrow morning to get the ignition lockout deactivated so we can put that stupid electronic fob away once and for all. Can't wait!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Worley, ID. 310 km

This was written 2 years ago! And applies to today EXCEPT the shower was not that short (finally let up when we crossed the border). And a stiff breeze seems to be heralding a high pressure system coming in so we hope that is it for the rain. And Doug saw two 2 bears in BC. And we are on Whiskey Jack not Raindancer.

2 years ago:

It was a cool riding afternoon with a short shower in Ymir and many other rain squalls just missing us along the way. The traffic was surprisingly light given that today is the US Memorial Day. Perhaps the weather kept the long weekenders at home.

So tonight we find ourselves at the Coeur D'Alene Casino as the rain is now coming down purposefully. Hopefully tomorrow will not be a repeat of last year's ride as we only made it to Grangeville the second day.