Friday, August 2, 2024

Kotor, Montenegro

 We anchored in Kotor Bay off the City of Kotor, Montenegro this morning. Because we were at anchor we had to take tenders (small boats) into shore, some of which were the ship's lifeboats, some were local water taxis. We left early to go on our shore excursion: a Tuk-tuk trip around the area.

Tender to shore

Taxi drivers waiting for a fare at port exit

Our Tuk-tuk

We had an enjoyable airy morning ride in and around Kotor with view stops along the way. By the time it was starting to heat up seriously we were about done.

Traffic stoppage to unload ice cream - our tour guide asked for some but no go. 

Catholic Church

Bay entrance

View from the top

Marina - pick your Xmas present!

Another view from the top

While we were waiting to reboard the Tuk-tuk at the Marina Norma was admiring nice GS parked there. Good memories of motorcycling in this part of the world!

Norma sneaking up on the GS

We returned to the ship and our whole crew of six was there this time to soundly trounce the other dozen or so teams in trivia. We won a deck of cards to go along with our stickers!

Our ship from the shore - not the speedboat!

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