Saturday, April 12, 2014

Calgary, AB

We are going to use Raindancer’s blog to chronicle our spring trip to South Africa. We asked him – he does not mind PROVIDING we take him on a trip when we return. We promised.

We fly out of Calgary on the afternoon of Apr. 13 to Johannesburg via Amsterdam, arriving the evening of the 14th. We will pick up our rental motorhome on the morning of the 15th and proceed to leisurely travel around the country in sort of a clockwise direction for 30 days using a similar travel plan that we employed to tour Australia a few years ago, staying in caravan parks and national/provincial parks along the way.

This has been a dream for us both: to experience the African savanna and to perhaps see some of the native fauna inhabiting these grasslands.  Also to travel in the Kalahari Desert and to see the spectacular coastal areas of South Africa.


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