Friday, September 28, 2012

Ibiza, Spain

Happy Birthday to Norma!
Happy Birthday to Norma! Now how hard is that – celebrating your 63rd Birthday on a beautiful Mediterranean Island. Here we are on Ibiza, Spain, an island in the Mediterranean Sea 79 km off the coast of Valencia, Spain and 152 nautical miles from Barcelona. It is primarily known for its party scene – lots of young people in miniskirts, etc., getting into the scene. They apparently don’t get going until 2 am!

Now to the start of our day. As we had decided to do our own walking tour today we just relaxed – actually we were so relaxed we BOTH slept until 8 am. Guess the jet lag caught up to us but we should be good now. It was a bit overcast and very windy – 50 km per hour -but definitely not cold. After just one day on board we are already starting to know our way around. There are 13 levels of guest services and suites (they missed #13 though and call it #14).
After a leisurely breakfast we headed off the ship into the walled city. It was really impressive walking up and along the high wall. The view from up there once you got to the top was wonderful (Doug took the above picture of our ship from there). Amazed at the number of people trying to do this cobble-stoned walk in flip flops – ouch – sore feet tonight I can guarantee. We were sure glad we were in our walking shoes. Lots of boutique type shops with locally made items. Great shops– could have gone crazy! And of course, lots of tourists.

Saw numerous cats as well. Most just wandering around looking for handouts and pets. As the afternoon progressed the weather deteriorated and got even more overcast. Wonder what our night is going to be like at sea with this wind, etc. We don’t leave until 11pm so hopefully won’t even notice it. 

In the walled city which was actually a fort there was a display of guns, shot and powder kegs. 
 Tonight, for Norma's birthday we had a wonderful dinner, complete with cake and the restaurant singers. The meals onboard are exceptional. Norma's Birthday gift from Doug is a beautiful Pandora bracelet and charms.

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