Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lake Tahoe, Nevada/California 108 km

Woke to another beautiful sunny day, though a bit windy and cool. Connected with the Bermuda kids for a while via Skype. It was nice to see Ciaran doing so well after his tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy and insertion of grommets. We then taxied our way to the BMW shop to pick up Raindancer after his servicing then headed to the Automobile Museum.  We both really enjoyed looking through the over 200 cars. They are all so perfectly restored. Take a look at the dapper dude driving around in his neat old car!
We were impressed with the fabulous artwork including the painting of a movie site, cowboy, dog and damsel  in distress included!
We enjoyed reading about the 1908 New York to Paris Automobile race and seeing the winning “Thomas Flyer”.
Doug was a bit disappointed that the car he most remembers, the Bugatti Royale ( , was not one of the units that survived the demise of Harrah’s collection. Of the six in the world apparently that unit is now owned by Volkswagen.
Stopped in Carson City for some lunch on our way to Lake Tahoe. Then proceeded to be amazed once again as we crested Spooner Summit and Lake Tahoe came into view. Perhaps Mark Twain said it best: " last the Lake burst upon us—a noble sheet of blue water lifted six thousand three hundred feet above the level of the sea, and walled in by a rim of snow-clad mountain peaks that towered aloft full three thousand feet higher still! ... As it lay there with the shadows of the mountains brilliantly photographed upon its still surface I thought it must surely be the fairest picture the whole earth affords."

We are staying in California but will go into Nevada for dinner and the evening. That sounds more impressive than it really is – if you check a map it is actually a walk.

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