Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ukiah, California

Km = 393

Immediately upon leaving Crescent City this morning we were into the rainy Redwood forests of California. It was a lovely drive through these mighty towering trees. We would stop and read the info around them, e.g. the one that was saved after much protest as the stump was destined to build a dance floor (Doug in front of it). Interesting that the California tree huggers were in business in 1918! Then there was the Chandelier tree with the road cut through it. We understand there are three drive-through trees to be found in California. Everyone seems to be trying to get on the Redwood bandwagon with single tree houses, etc. We did meander back to the coast a few times and noticed an immediate change in the coast line (less rugged) and the wave activitity - much calmer in California.

We had another leisurely day just stopping when we wanted and enjoying the sites. We are not putting near the amount of kms we would have in the past and are feeling pretty relaxed about it all.

We had repeatedly seen signs to watch for the Roosevelt elk and finally today saw a fairly large herd in one of the Redwood parks.

There has been an unusual amount of rain here as well as was witnessed by a land slide on one of the roads today. Everything is very green and everyone refers to the amounts of rain they have been having.

As it was raining for the last hour of riding we decided to stop earlier at Ukiah. Had a Safeway dinner in the room. Tonight is the first game of the Stanley Cup finals and Vancouverites are pretty excited about the upcoming Canucks game, I'll wager.

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