Sunday, April 26, 2009

Total Km = 538

The sun gods have been shining on us trying to make up for last summer's Alaska trip!

Temperatures were perfect for riding - low to mid 20's. We continued south on Hwy 99 through Bakersfield then into the Mojave desert. Joshua trees festooned the landscape. These gargoylean species of yucca are pollinated by moths who lay their eggs in the flowers. When the eggs hatch the larvae have both bed and breakfast in the fruit. Pretty good deal for everybody. OK, enough biology.

We then were reintroduced to Southern California's freeway sytem for the rest of the day - no other good option to San Diego. Pretty hectic with at least six lanes in both directions in some places. It's like everyone goes crazy when they "see the green flag". We stuck close to (or too close to?) the speed limit of 70 mph and were left standing in many cases. Lots of state troopers out and every one we saw had someone pulled over - not us though.

Lots of motorcycles out today -such a lovely day those city folks were probably all escaping into what they would view as a country ride - they need to all come up our way but then we really wouldn't be too happy with all that traffic.

We had no problem finding the BMW dealer (will need that tomorrow) and our hotel. We will settle in here for the next three nights while Raindancer has a servicing. It is an easy walk to the dealer and the city bus terminal from here so we will have access to transport to see some of the sights of San Diego.

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